The whole "men should be more open and vulnerable" thing is perhaps one of the most destructive psyops in modern times.
Bri'ish people be like:
"Oi guvna, where's my taxes going, innit?"
Me and my friends be like:
Look, OK, I'm ugly, but, like, ugly fat people should be shamed and mogged.
It is the natural order of things.
I crack up whenever the Afro-British guy says "come in White Knight".
Even in the super lib mindset of "we are all the same", "diversity" creates cognitive dissonance.
If "we are all the same", what benefit does "diversity" bring?
And then the only end response is "why not?".
But why do it? There is no tangible benefit, so why do it?
They call this "progress", but it's not progress for the sake of human betterment. It's just "progress" for progress' sake.
There's another word for that, you know...
It's stagnation.
Two posts for today.
This one just because the edit is so perfectly done, that I have to show you it:
I don't know man, whatever...