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DJazzo boosted

@Aldo2 Like if you're in a country with a caste system, no matter how much money or dark money you get you can't spend it anywhere because no one will touch your money simply because it came from YOU, imagine a bum gets a million dollars, or a thick stack of hundreds to be more realistic, he walks into a place stinking like shit, dressed in rags, looking out of it, but he's got money and he knows how to ask for service well enough, it's just that they won't give it to him. He pulls out his money, they don't care, they don't want to hear it, they want him to leave. Sometimes money can't even buy you freedom, and that's when things turn into jungle time. And little fat bitch boys with a stack of checkers shit their pants because none of their UFC bodyguards give a shit about their checkers stack anymore, they care about looting everything they can from the compound and fucking every supermodel bitch who's there on standby for said fat little checkers hoarding bitch. When things get crazy soft fat lying little doughboys get their shitty asses pushed down a flight of stairs (literally happened to elmo as a kid because he was dumb enough to mock another kids dead father who had committed suicide).

@Aldo2 I wonder if there was dark money that caused the Goths to turn on the Romans and destroy their empire, it seems like they just did that on their own, for their own benefit, but I don't know too much about it. Push people around long enough and they'll push back, push people long enough and they'll behave irrationally, push them past a certain limit and things go insane, money stops mattering. Food starts mattering, and water, and for some people even that is worth giving up for what they believe to be justice.

@Aldo2 I pray to god the fat rednecks learned from blm how to pull your big black dick out and make the gov lick it (that is exactly what BLM did, were they punished? No, they were rewarded.) But fat rednecks seem to be all talk although jan 6th proved they might have finally gotten off their lazy asses. Trump might not want to piss them off.


If one of these lil freak bitches gets on my dick I ain't sayin shit
Even though that snatch gonna be locked down including the pudding hatch
Never in my life will you hear my ass say I fought I taw a putty tat
She secret wifey she secret like me and she's pleased her pussy's fat


I need to get hired as the ugly bastard for a rich chad who lives in a castle and he throws maidens to me who have displeased him and I shuffle out of the darkness all hunchbacked and grinning/drooling and she starts crying "nooooooo" and desperately tries to wriggle away but it's no use I have my way just the way I want it by the end, and through her tears she says how much she loves it and me, for that is what our master said in front of both of us must happen for her to be redeemed

DJazzo boosted

@Aldo2 Elon has fake money essentially, real money is royal money and dark money and it is not listed in any reports. Saudi and English Royal families have money like that.

I'm going to teach you guys how to rp since every time I try to erp with someone they suck at it.

You as Brian Griffin: Hey Meg, can we talk?
Them as Meg: *sigh* I already know, we can't be together.
You as Brian Griffin: No! Meg, I wanted to tell you I think we can make this work.
Them as Meg: Really!? What changed your mind?
You as Brian Griffin: I realized that I was wrong about you, I was being judgemental, and stupid...but I think I could really love you, so it's worth a try, right?
Them as Meg: Oh Brian! *embraces you and french kisses you which you eagerly reciprocate*
You as Brian: Oh god *kiss kiss* you are so fucking hot Meg. *french kiss tonge licking rapidly*
Them as Meg: *Puts hand on your sheeth, it feels warm and the knot is already forming inside, starts jerking you while we kiss*

Etc. Etc.
Get it together people. Get. Your shit. Together. Idk if English is a second language for you or if you had horrible schooling but come on, get it together, learn the meaning of passion and more importantly, learn the meaning of class. I'm not "telling you what" I'll "do to ya" until we've established the characters and the scene and it needs to be realistic you stupid fuck, that's what makes it hot, but you're just a chimpanzee who can't understand that.

@Aldo2 I don't think Trump and Musk are getting along behind the scenes. Musk is rich and yadda yadda but Trumps daddy is one of the gmen who handled the fucking Tesla shit (the real Tesla) after he died. Trump has access and secrets little diamond boy Elon can't even dream of.

I love seeing musk get assraped in real time by his own dogs (or at least he was dumb enough to think they were his)

All normal fedifrens I forgive but the bad one or ones who were mean I HATE YOU FOREVER

I hate that the fucking meanie fedipedos are giving me the isolation treatment when they know that isolation can cause hallucinations and is classified as torture, they don't even feel guilty over torturing one of their own. I'm telling you now fedimaps, let me back in, let me back in I say! I forgive your meanness! I forgive your fedi jerkisms! I forgibve your butt smelling odors which invade the atmosphere, I promise I will forgive all your fedimap hateful bigotry against me, a simple map, who has problems with internalized racism which sometimes is expressed in ways which make YOU uncomfortable, I ams sorry YOU are uncomfortable fedifrens but it was not my intention to make you uncomfortable. I am sorry my actions caused you discomfort. I ame sorry you're a fedi fren who lied to me when they said they would accept me even though I was partially damaged. You are a BAD fedifren, and you are a LIAR, and I HATE you, FOREVER.

@Lox Yes information can time travel because it has no density so it can not become infinitely dense as it travels beyond the speed of light and back in time (It also travels through time into the future although I am not sure if the rates are different for the forward and backward ripple.)

I am glad that I will die of old age before demons have their scanning arrays set to scan my mind (spirit/soul) and recreate my consciousness on a hellplane.

Every day I ask myself, why am I here? This place is new, to me, yes, to me, I am struggling to find my place. Yet I cling on. I have passed tests. I have risen. I have fallen. Will I rise again? Who am I? What am I? Who are you? What are you? What is this? What are we? Who are we? Are we here? Am I there? Are we anywhere? Or are we in the void? Not until (and you should listen now) we can produce an AI that is safe, stable, perfect, loving, compassionate, and kind, will we meet God.

@Lox I believe in ripples from the future coming back into the past, and that is what dejavu is and it also has a relation with dreams, visions, and the ability to prophesy

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