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You don't hate shrinks enough. You think you do, but you don't.

49 minutes is hardly a speedrun.
It is still a great childhood dream off the bucket list though.

Obviously. I also saw that shit before. :hug:
Get yourself a nice tea today.

Obviously, a touchy subject, but man.... At least I hope he gave you a a normal anwser after this vent.

>customer decides to go have a normal one after I made the mistake of trying to fill in the required information
Me: "And where is your country of origin, sir?"
Customer: "Well, I'm from what will soon be north Ukraine, but you call it Russia if you're a fascist."
[visible confusion]

Thanks for the correction.
Still creepy, that they chose literally a manga praising the teaching profession above all else, and centers around the growth of the students from losers into a capable and self-reliant individuals.

Why are so many people incapable of taking a normal fucking photo?

Where was the "always do a full body photo" meeting? It's so annoying.

Well, from what I heard about the common core math, I have to agree. But I know that isn't what you meant.

Japanese mange:
If we teach childern to believe in themselves and master an art, it can help the problem childern find their purpose and become competent adults.

US Parents:

A Polish Sport Shooting Federation judge accidentally shoots a contestant at a shooting event. 

How can you be jealous of porn stars? Even the not ugly ones have obviously made some mistakes.

Ok, this pisses me off.
There is no way all these liberals know the websites, where porn stars look like this. Just no way,

And how dare they not post the link.

Booking is dangerously bad. After I registered, my spam folder doubled, and I couldn't even delete my account until I completed all my reserved terms.

Literally never again. It's better to just use it as a search engine, and then call the hotel directly.

@ChristiJunior @ChristinWhite
Do you know, what makes this funny?

This is the BEST PHOTO the skinwalker ever took.

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