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MiSide spoiler 

😭 this is why creepy little girls in horror never scare me because they have always had something bad happen to them and it always makes me feel sad 😭 i wanna give her a big hug.

One of the things, that I think really pushes Nintendo forward is, that they truly understand how to keep a franchize alive.

Ubisoft execs know, that everyone is begging them for a new splinter cell. Yet, all we got from Sam Fisher in past 10 years were... 2 cameos?

On the other hand, Nintendo put's Mario and Luigi into EVERYTHING. And even, when there was some series quite down (Like Metroid), they did push it HARD when they reviewed it.

What you hit on is one of two critiques of modern capitalism, that commiers are too stupid to ever understand :D

@druid @beardalaxy
If you need to change definition of cured to get a non-zero success rate, I think the issue isn't the definition.

@WhiteAmericanEskimo I have been posting about this several times already, but I am seriously terified of the level of "media training" the gen alpha actually has.

Sure.... If poor people existing in your story is enough for the story to be considered a capitalism critique.

Squid game? Suuuuure. I still don't see the critique, but I think I can see how it could have sneaked in.

But this time, I saw it in relation to solo leveling. That fucking show has literally 0 critique of capitalism outside of "the guy's mother needs expensive medicine".

Yet, the breadtubers always think they just discovered a way to split atom.

> I used to be desperate to find a girl, but now, that I do get their attention, I realized it isn't that great...

That is such a retarded line, that I cannot comprehend the levels of retardation these people have to be to say it. It does not feel ""great"" to have your basic needs met. But to not have them met is the definition of misery.

"""Oh, stop being such a bitch about being hungry... I eat every day, and it's not as great as you imagine"""

Do you see how retarded it sounds? So, why do people say such retarded line, when it comes to companionship?

> People were so ready to lay Covid's origins at the feet of maligned scientist, because it was so much more comforting, then believing it was a chance mutation....

Kill yourself. Seriously. How retarded this guy can be to believe, that it would be more comforting to believe, that people are creating instruments of total anihilation, then seeing a virus, that goes through all the natural phases, that always result eventually in decrease of deadliness?

Someone never heard of Bonobos before. 

Monkeys so frustrated, they go gay to feel anything, because females rule the packing order...

Meanwhile the researchers:
Look... So many homosexual monkeys. Ain't nature beautiful?

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