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Some unhinged rants are nit supposed to be posted.

Not because they're cringe, but because people aren't used to an honest stream of thought.

2 weeks into trying Avorion
The game is weirdly way more polished, then it has any right to be. Sadly, I cannot recommend it dor the aspect of story or quest design. It is not X3 by far, but when it comes to constructing your own little empire, it does cover your needs quite well.

I love the detectives in TV shows, creating detailed story of a person from the environment, because if such detective entered my house, he would know, that I am a woman who speaks at least 3 languages, loves reading books, knows how to draw and is buffed as fuck.

Just looking at the gameplay of the Concord.

That shit literally looks like overwatch on 1/3 of the speed (both in movement and kill speed)
Why? Slow games are such a noobie mistake ffs.

If I ever create an RPG, it would be a good idea to put an invisible timer on the main quest, and if you don't complete it... nothing visible happens, but by the time you reach the final boss, he had completed his evil quest, your wifu dies, your home is burned to ground and you get the hardest battle of your life.

On the other hand, if you do only a reasonable ammount of side quests, then you battle him before he completed his goal, and you can actually get the good ending.

i thought that the word "aesthetic" would be enough of itself to deter nerds who see, i dunno, kids playing pirates and instantly go "well, ACKTYUALLY 🤓 pirates were CRIMINALS ☝️ and SMELLED BAD, so DON'T romanticize pirates"; but no, these retards are still in action full swing, and they're now judging the mob wife aesthetic trend because "acktyually 🤓 being a mob wife is NOT FUN ☝️" like no shit bro, that's why only the a e s t h e t i c is trendy, you fucking retard

when everyone were cheering for Y2K to return they didn't mean it like this

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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