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:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

Kamala campaign: *releases this photo of JD Vance*
Male millenials: HOLY SHIT THAT'S ME

I need the zoomers to understand that dudes like this were everywhere, they were socially awkward autists but they were generally fucking awesome guys.

There are certainly other engines out there too. Smaller ones, but ones that are much more focused on specific things. As much as I think Godot, Unity, and Unreal are great and really powerful, they're also very broad and that makes it hard to even just figure out how to use them. What I like about RPG Maker is that it's very clearly meant to make RPGs with it, so it's very focused on that, but if you know your way around the engine you can still get it to do a lot more than that. That's rad.

Just saw some videos for RPG In A Box and EasyFPS. Both of those look pretty interesting to mess around with as well. The former is mostly voxel-based, and the latter is sort of like an engine to make a DOOM clone in. I can see the game I want to make working in both of them as long as they can do everything I'd want them to.

It might behoove me to check out a bunch of these and try to get all of my mechanics I want built in the engine to see how fast I can get them done as well as if I can get them made at all. Just do a bunch of tech demos and then pick from there.

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To be honest, I quite like the way RPG Maker works and I've been using it for almost 20 years at this point. That's always going to be a hard thing to break away from. There's a software called RPG Architect that is like RPG Maker on crack, and that's something that I think I could get a lot more mileage out of going forward while still being closer to RPG Maker than anything else. It's got 3D support built in too, so I'd be able to make my next game (it's horror) something of a cool 2D-3D hybrid that way.

There's also the prospect of a new RPG Maker coming soon. Nothing has been announced yet, but they're definitely cooking up something. Judging by the dates between other RPG Maker releases, a new one should be coming within the next year or two. That could change things for me also, if they've got something like 3D implemented in it. I really wish I could just take RPG Maker 3 straight from PS2 and use it on PC with the added ability to import assets. That would actually be pretty much my ideal game engine, funny enough.

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Not really sure what I should start working on next tbh. As far as my current game goes, right now the only thing I can do is rework the trailer to make it shorter and more interesting. There are some other things I need to add for the paid version, like ng+ and the retro soundtrack, but I want to make damn sure the base game is as close to perfect as I can get it first. Those things are extremely simple to get working too, so I'm not too worried about it.

For my next game, there's a lot of stuff I could start working on. I have a pretty good idea of what I want the music to sound like so I could start on that. I'm still really not sure what kind of look I want to go for. Ideally, I'd make it a 3D game in Godot, but I have no 3D modeling skills and I don't know anyone that would be willing to just help a first timer by making all of the assets. I could use stand-ins in the meantime I guess. I could also start learning 3D modeling or learning 2D art, which could benefit the game even if I decided to stick with something like RPG Maker.

As far as the next game goes, I actually already have the entire story, all the concepts for the levels/areas, concepts for puzzles, etc. It's pretty much all on paper atm. So there isn't much I could do there.

I could technically start writing the story for my NEXT next project, the God's Disdain sequel. Not sure that would be a good use of time atm though.

It seems that, due to how long I've been working on the game, it's going to be a lot harder to get Steam achievements to work. Not sure I want the headache. I'd have to upgrade some stuff to newer versions and it might break things I've already got in the game. Worst case, I'd have to swap them out for newer versions or different implementations and redo things for everywhere they are used. I already had some issues with upgrading the quest system to a newer version, which I decided not to and reverted, so if it's something like that then it just won't be worth it to add a few little JPGs people can have tied to their account.

It is theoretically possible, but this is why a lot of games get stuck in development hell or are shadows of their intended designs when they finally release. Technology moves on without them and they keep trying to chase it which messes with the game. I'm already a full engine release behind when it comes to RPG Maker, and by the time the game is actually released it's possible another one could be announced. Been working on this for way too long and it just needs to get done, even if some bells and whistles are unfortunately missing.

back before i started having seizures i was thinking of joining track and field in high school. i'm a blazingly fast runner, especially in those shorter bursts. i still am, it's just the endurance that i have a problem with before my brain starts to turn into soup.

i wonder how fast i could run 100m. think i'm gonna try it out in a few hours once the sun comes up. just curious. it's a lot shorter of a distance than i was imagining and i've definitely made longer runs than that pretty damn quick. i'm probably not going to be at any sort of professional level but i still think it'd be interesting to see.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

If you're using Windows, make sure to update! A critical vulnerability that allows remote code execution was found recently. If you're up to date on security updates you should be good, but make sure to check just in case!

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted


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Old School RuneScape now has Body Type A/B with pronoun selection.

Well, time to go play 2009scape everyone!

Beard autism ramble 

I wonder why my parents never took me to get an autism screening tbh. I think it's because my cousin is VERY autistic and they were like "well beard isn't like that." If anything, I'm only mildly autistic lol. I don't think I am but I have a lot of traits that if I saw in my kid I'd be like... Yeah, let's get you checked out xD

I was thinking about this today because a kid was buying wooden pencils for school and I always HATED writing with pencils, especially wooden ones. I hate the way they feel in my fingers, I hate the way they feel to write with, I hate the scratchy noises they make... I would write with a pen instead any chance I got and sometimes got scolded for scribbling out things because I couldn't erase them.

Then that got me thinking about how particular I am with my food. I'm not a picky eater, but I never eat or drink two things at once. If I sit down for a meal, I won't eat my fries or drink anything until I'm finished with my burger. If I've got a plate full of different foods I'll eat each food on its own. When I was younger I used to hate it when they touched but these days I don't mind.

Just makes me wonder why they didn't see signs and think something of it. Instead I mostly just got made fun of by my family for certain things lol. Then again, there are other problems like my mood disorder that just went completely unchecked and I basically had to try and rewire my brain to the best of my ability all by myself :blob_dizzy_face:

On the other hand though, I'm pretty good at in-person conversation. I can maintain eye contact and stuff, though I do ramble a LOT and that makes its way over to text too lol. It's the social stuff I don't really have a problem with. So I don't think I'm actually autistic, but it's just funny that my parents never even thought to make sure xD

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

What kind of water again?

But what kind of water was I drinking then?

We just got price check machines at work and I noticed that they're just running android. So being the curious fucker that I am I mashed the menu and home buttons to see if anything would happen and it crashed :meru_lul: I can see that being a problem in the future

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
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