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The year is 2050. Zoomers are the majority population. All sexual interaction between the sexes is ruled illegal because it is considered pedophilic.

The people who complain about loli art are the same ones who complain that rape gang victims in the UK are being "racist"

@xianc78 @Rocket @beardalaxy There's also Ladybird, but it's years away from being usable. Their js library is the most upto spec implementation though.

@Paultron I buy it based on what they have, but I currently have Ubara rice

I don't want to sound like a weeaboo, but Japanese rice is just better compared to what you find at the supermarket and is worth paying the extra.

@frost @LukeAlmighty seems to be broken, česká televize has been broken for like two years now too

As promised, luanti/minetest + voxelibre/mineclone2 server is up and running

password is same as on other servers

@LukeAlmighty z Otevří dev tools->network a pust video a měl by jsi tam vidět mp4 soubor se jménem VF<ROK><MESIC><DEN> atd

@alyx so initial test was h264 120fps grey10le clip that was 5 minutes, 689 Mbps, and 24.1 GiB in size.

This help article seemed to suggest that 120fps might work:

What YouTube spat out was yuv240, vp9, 60fps, 381 Mbps, 13.3 GiB

YouTube seems to have done a good job preserving all of the noise at 4k. It's artifact city at the lower resolution.

That's wild.

What's also cool is you can see what each resolution is capped at. 1440p seems to be capped at 65 Mbps while 1080p appears to be capped at 10Mbps. It also shows how YouTube is phasing out h264. They really only put effort into their 1080p h264 stream which makes sense as it's likely the most popular of the h264 streams by far.

I wonder if different frame rates have different bitrate caps.

But yeah 4k seems to get crf with no vbv cutoff limit.
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