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@LukeAlmighty heck yeah, Metroid always was about objectification, that's why it sucks

@applejack mostly by accident, I've had old ladies who clearly do not see well mistaking me for a boy

I once read a post that "cis" (normal) people "experience gender dysphoria too", and it was presented as "that feeling when you get misgendered for whatever reason"
back then I even could agree to that, but now I think it's hilarious: so troons basically compare a mild discomfort over someone going against reality to whatever they try to bend the narrative with to groom kids

@Mr_NutterButter @beardalaxy I would go anyway, because 'just try harder' led only to a total breakdown for me
finding a doctor that actually helps is a pain, tho, took me years

@LukeAlmighty besides, this thing doesn't even really look like a fly agaric (+ it's literally a fantasy)

@LukeAlmighty do you realize the vast amount of pure poison humans happily and voluntarily consume, it's all the matter of amount and cooking it right

tomie boosted
"You're just a hypocrite"

Yes. I am. I don't care about other people's stupid fucking races. I want my race to win. If 100 White people break the law and 1 black guy does I want the black guy lynched to the full extent of the law
tomie boosted

@xianc78 thanks for the detailed answer! I'll make sure to poke at /feed on websites I might get interested in, maybe I have a couple of wordpress websites stashed away

what websites still use RSS nowadays? I recently tried that and liked it, but there are only, like, three websites in my feed, and one of them never updates

tomie boosted

@LukeAlmighty my taste in games is impeccable 💅 Life is Strange stepped out of the line when to a retarded plot it also added a snoozefest "gameplay"

@matrix with that running animation it would better look as static
in fact, it does look better as static

@beardalaxy well, the censors were hired exactly because they were retarded
and look at where are we now

@LukeAlmighty option to skip gameplay would be really useful for the original

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