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are sea monkeys ethical?
on one hand, selling something living to literal 5 y/os is never going to end well, so the creatures are going to die horrible death in a plastic toy tank
on the other, the so-called sea monkeys are the literal bottom of food chain and mostly bred as live feed for fish anyway while a supervised 5 y/o might love them dearly and they seem to be fine with a plastic tank (unlike fish)

@LukeAlmighty well, you live in some alternative lalaland where bears are somehow more dangerous than men, so no wonder

@LukeAlmighty peers? lmao no, the kids were absolutely property (in the same way as women)
then, depending on luck or the lack of it, your property was bought by another family if you had girls; or your lords took away your sons as what now would be their property

@xianc78 assuming it's not bait...
lmao, he is a scam, I'd love to see him trying to eat caesium 137
nobody know what exactly causes parkinson's either, could be radiation
>Chernobyl wildlife
it's mutated, silly, plenty of video and photo and physical evidence of that; and no matter what you thought, the half-life of what kaboomed there was about 30 years

too many ppl, and pretty much all faux trads do not realize that their idealized child raising model where you care about the fine details of their overall development is incredibly recent
before that you were either too poor, so children were at best additional workforce in the family and at worst a liability you literally can't afford to feed; or rich enough to not give a shit about your children ever and outsource them to nannies or just a boarding school
and no matter whether you're rich or poor, your kids are not guaranteed to live to see their 5th birthday so better not to get attached to them too much

@beardalaxy history quite literally writes itself and putting your best foot forward only leads to it being cut off first

imagine how many lives were straight up FUCKED by all these gay cartoons saying "if you're bullied, just tell a trusted adult about it uwu" like bro the adults KNOW, it NEVER happens without them KNOWING and silently APPROVING that

tomie boosted

@picandor it's not that hard, these big characters are basically compiled of several characters

@picandor @applejack I completely and fully relate to the (or should I say Der) führer being pissed off about his art being rejected in favor of the bad kind of degenerate art

@applejack well, you have to excuse them as they're writing straight from the 1942 when the enemy was crystal clear and the patriotic spirits were high, plus if you're not writing propaganda, then you're likely not writing at all

and the cherry on top is a steam image with fucked aspect ratio

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@beardalaxy abused mom = abused kid, way too many people don't get that and way too many women are abused by the very people who should be their support system but instead just shove all responsibilities onto them

> 1.5 GB bloated to 16
> 250-600 players online
> this gay screen
> Battle Eye anticheat in a single player game
> "ubisoft account required"
> crashes and lags
> can't rebind keyboard (you could in the original)
> no achievements (they promised achievements)


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@beardalaxy women are busy raising their kids 24/7 while also working; men are just occasionally and yet they never stop groaning and rolling their eyes "ugh, she made me babysit"
so, no shit, easy to be judgemental when it's not you who got woken up at 5, got a breakfast that you cooked thrown in a window, got bombarded with questions ranging from curious to the same repeated question just to be annoying, and so on
"my kid wouldn't" --sure he wouldn't, everyone are the perfectest parents when it's just theory

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