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Boss now only appears after the player is out of the doorway and the trap-door closes. This prevents the player from leaving before the shutting of the trap-door.

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@PurpCat @RK7 The killing of 32-bit support on macOS truly killed whatever was left in terms of gaming on it. Case in point, the only way to play CaveStory on Mac now is to use the nxengine or whatever the SDL2 fork is for that.

xianc78 boosted
@PurpCat @xianc78 People really do forget the FSF basically was birthed into existence purely by the eternal fact of printers being shitty and a frustrated nerd being pissed he couldn't fix the driver.

@PurpCat @RK7 Escape Velocity looks like some Starflight clone with prerendered graphics.

xianc78 boosted

Four Organizations All Founded in 1913

FED - Federal Reserve
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
ADL- Anti Defamation League

Must be a coincidence...

@PurpCat @RK7 I know that, but the whole "sharing is caring" thing is probably why nobody outside of (Anti-Capitalists and Austrio-Libertarians) gave a shit about FOSS until the Snowden leaks.

@RK7 @PurpCat
>They forget that older hardware/software typically wasn't really capable of the same sort of spying/telemetry that more modern stuff is

You should see all the old FSF interviews and documentaries from around that time. There main talking point was "sharing is caring". Like I'm not a big fan of intellectual property either, but I don't think that sharing copies is the most important thing in the world.

@PurpCat @RK7 The FSF has openly stated that art and level assets don't matter as long as the code is libre.

xianc78 boosted

@p They will reject FreeDOS because most people use it to play old, proprietary DOS games.

@rher I made an entire effortpost a few hours ago explaining why this free software zealotry is actually hurting the movement and keeping people on Windows.

@sally Your leader couldn't respect IRL freedom during the COVID lockdowns.

Which activist group/movement is the most annoying?

@PurpCat Nah bro, you should only play free software games like Tux Racer. Proprietary games, including games released for old platforms keep you isolated and helpless.

In the eyes of an extreme freetard, playing an old DOS or NES game is no different than using Windows 11, Discord, or Google Chrome.

@djsumdog I just wish they offered options other than Ubuntu and Pop_OS for distro choices. Their headphone jacks also suck. If you just move one millimeter, it disconnects.

@beardalaxy This is why having physical media or raw audio files saved locally on your device is always the way to go.

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