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I don't know why I asked this question. There was that controversial essay about this written back in 2013, but I'm pretty sure that person was paid by some eugenicist or population control activist, just like the regular pro-choice crowd.

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Should post-birth abortions be legal?

xianc78 boosted
@shrimp it’s not been a free market for a long time, business is extremely regulated and complicated there
xianc78 boosted
the US isn't even pretending to be a free market now. If you outcompete US business they will just ban you.

We SHOULD split the stars and those pieces of stars should be split until they are microscopic pieces.

xianc78 boosted

"You're not allowed to protest to actually change things"

- Justin Trudeau February 2022 (paraphrased)

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted


I'm thinking about what else to add. I could add more enemies, but I need to come up with enemy behaviors that don't require major reconstruction of the base Enemy class.

I don't know if I will add bosses because the player only equips a sword, which severely limits the potential for boss battles. Originally, I planned on having the player equip bombs for bomb-able walls, but placing such walls would've been difficult for the dungeon generation algorithm. Arrows and other projectiles seem kind of pointless. Either I limit the amount of arrows that can be shot/thrown, or I give the player unlimited arrows. The former would make it frustrating if the player was in the middle of a boss battle that required arrows and he/she ran out. The latter would effectively make the sword useless. That leaves only the boomerang as a possible second weapon.

Anyway, I don't plan on making this game grand or anything. This is really just a "practice game" for something I plan on making later on. That future game will have a much better dungeon generation algorithm.

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xianc78 boosted

It's been decided that God's Disdain will not be receiving the tileset swap and will be sticking with the original RPG Maker assets.

The main downside to this is obviously that it will look very similar to other RPG Maker games. However, almost every other piece of artwork outside of the tileset graphics is completely original, or at the very least non-standard. Hopefully that will be enough to really give the game its own identity.

That being said, the decision comes with the massive upside of the game coming out a lot sooner. I won't be taking any extra time off just because this isn't happening anymore. Starting tomorrow, I'll begin my playthrough of the game to test everything I possibly can before getting the beta ready.

Just as a little treat, here are some screenshots from the game that can, for all intents and purposes, be considered (mostly) final! I've been very protective over showing this sort of thing so far, so if you're seeing this you're one of the first handful to do so. Congratulations?

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

If I ever work on 3D games, I'm just going to use "mitten hands" or just make them literal circles because apparently, portraying them naturally when gripping is a huge no-no.

xianc78 boosted
Bird Flu Outbreaks & the WHO/IHR Pandemic Treaty Push
by Barbara Loe Fisher

> U.S. Plan to Drive the Global “Health Security” Agenda If #WHO Treaties Fail
> #BirdFlu Vaccines Being Developed and Stockpiled
> #H5N1 Vaccine Production Could Be Ramped Up to Vaccinate the Entire U.S. Population
> Europe Already Has Approved Two H5N1 Bird Flu Vaccines

#TheVaccineReaction #NVIC
xianc78 boosted

trying our hand at canning over the 4 or 5 months. So far we have canned carrots, mushrooms, black beans, kidney beans, beef stew, beef chunks, ground beef, chicken, banana butter, pumpkin butter, tomato sauce, tomato juice. We have also done some dried foods. Dehydrated mixed veggies (in the air fryer), and repackaged pinto beans, mac noodles, spaghetti noodle, and brown sugar into Mylar. Here are a few pics. Anyone else here do any canning/preservation?

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.