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xianc78 boosted

Gold isn't a currency anymore so few people holding it. Also, a lot of gold has been mined since '29.

Yet even with all that supply & little common demand, gold is worth double today.

Further, economies of scale are better today & so is production efficiency. So why is gold worth so much more?

Oligarch's, banks, & governments are hording it. Meaning: it's a been giant transfer of wealth scheme.

xianc78 boosted

OMG, it's a funky shit!

I mean, look — that thing still works! 😄

#Nokia #S40

xianc78 boosted

NVIDIA stock to the molten core.

For those communists out there - this is an example of how markets work. you may think that NVIDIA is overpriced, but it's that very high value itself that drives (incentivizes) the massive investment needed to build new and powerful competitors and so to break monopolies. Tax away the gains or central plan investment and you end up with no new competition and so no new innovation.

Just two days from now, the UN will hold the Summit of the Future where there will be talks about turning the organization into an actual one world government to help accelerate their Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, ever since this was announced there has been utter silence about this in both the mainstream and most of the alternative media.

However there is still a chance to stop this. While I wouldn't advise putting full faith into it, there is a petition on The Conscious Resistance that you can sign to state your opposition to it.

But I think a better way to approach this is through nullification (American states using their 10th Amendment rights). Louisiana passed a bill a back in April, stating that the UN, WHO, and WEF have no authority over the state. If we can get enough states and maybe even municipalities to nullify the UN, we may have an even better chance. If you don't live in the US, see if your constitution has a similar nullification clause.

Please boost this post and share this with your non-fedi friends. This is something urgent yet most people are silent about it.

xianc78 boosted
While the summit’s goal is to address global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and public health, there is growing concern that the implementation of these initiatives may come at the cost of freedom, sovereignty, and democracy.
xianc78 boosted
Should you take an arch-technocrat at his word? I think so. Larry Ellison is the founder and former chairman of Oracle, the third-largest software company in the world.
xianc78 boosted

>Someone created a Fedi tier list
>The vast majority are Poast users
This just shows how different this place has become since I first joined.

xianc78 boosted
Reminder that if a company ADDS DRM to a game, like GTAV did, so now you can't play on Linux, you can request a refund on Steam and they'll likely grant it
xianc78 boosted
As a political allegory, it covers the same intellectual terrain as Aristotle’s “Politics,” Machiavelli’s “The Prince,” and de Jouvenel’s “On Power,” but in a way that is more penetrating for readers and viewers, and particularly relevant for our times.
xianc78 boosted

The beta for God's Disdain is ready! I'm going to be collecting user info for testing now, so please sound off in the comments or send a DM if you'd like to participate!

1. Steam account
2. Windows PC (OS version 7+)

1. Bug reports
2. Combat balance feedback
3. General feedback
4. (Optional) Game session journals

You will be able to make content about the game (streams, videos, screenshots) as long as you clarify in a place that is clearly visible that the game is still in beta testing.

Testing will primarily occur in the RPG Maker Web forums topic for the game. If you have an RPG Maker Web account, that is the preferred method of reporting. However, if you're on the fediverse then simply tagging this account (@aftermidnight) or sending a DM will suffice. Patch notes will be posted and maintained on RPG Maker Web:

You will receive your Steam key for the game within the next couple of weeks. Please keep in mind that as the game is free, I cannot promise much in the way of incentive for testing and I understand that it might be a lot to ask. However, your name will appear in the credits if you provide any feedback at all!

If there are any more questions you have, feel free to reach out!

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
We often talk about the “Biden economy” or the “Trump economy”, but the truth is that the Fed is much more responsible for our economic performance than the White House is.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
There will be 3 spectacular events in the heavens within the next 30 days. Needless to say, it is very unusual for so many historic heavenly events to occur so close to one another.
xianc78 boosted
As shoplifting and smash-and-grab robberies surge in SoCal, nearly all items at this Rite Aid are locked up
xianc78 boosted

What I want to know is, does she has issues opening her eyes?

xianc78 boosted

Yo guys! The beta for my game is now ready :D if you are interested, check out this post:

I've been working on this game for nearly 9 years now. Myself and so many other people have put a lot of work into it. I can't believe it's finally at this point and I really hope you'll check it out :) it even has some Fediverse representation, with @Mr_NutterButter making the company logo that appears right when you open the game and @matana contributing the cover art and a couple of extra assets.

If you like classic RPGs with vast worlds, turn-based combat, and fun characters then you will love this. The easiest way to describe it is Dragon Quest meets Elder Scrolls.

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