Country of birth - Gaystria
Is there one for White/European Americans?
They also let French North-African troops run rampant through the area surrounding Monte Cassino in the aftermath of the last battle there.
Many people were killed; women and children raped, etc...
The only monument they have is a tiny little rock formation with a faded sign containing some names.
@beardalaxy ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I like the RTS element tho.
Which Fire Emblem game should I get for the Switch?
There are a few, if I remember correctly.
Latest one I had was Path of Radiance for the GCube.
The moden "liberal" is a sociopath.
All the over-emotion, the hyper-empathy and altruism. It's all just a charade.
It's all performance art for them. They don't really "care" about the refugees (or the people affected by them, for that matter), they don't really "care" about XYZ minority. They don't really care.
It's just a game; who can signal best, and the hardest.
The real people affected, on all sides, aren't the focus. The focus is THEM.
And that's where the sociopathy comes in. They view people as the sociopathic elite in charge do. As pawns to play with.
@matana probably libterds, tbqh...
This has got to be some of the finest combat footage of taking field-fortifications ever released, tbqh.
And it has a wholesome ending as the last Ukrainian trooper manages to get his dog to come to him before he escapes.
You might not like it, but this is what the peak girl fight looks like.
@eee oh lawd jesus why.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?!?!
Why do they keep doing this!!?!!?!?
Who the fuck keeps buying these fucking gay products!!?!?!!?!?!?
...Oh right...
@applejack @K
@K I’m at work rn, so I don’t have time to look all that stuff up, but I distinctly remember many school shooters are on a concoction of psyche meds.
I think some guy did an analysis of it.
Iffy, I know.
But in cases of entrapment, there were the cases of the FBI going into Mosques (obv undercover) and trying to convince people to blow shit up.
I think in one of those cases, the Mosque attendees reported the agent to the authorities, and that’s how that particular entrapment operation got found out.
I don't know man, whatever...