Ok, so get this.
After 2 years of nothing, not even a sniffle, I got the Coof.
Just hope I don't end up like the people who can't speak or who lost all their strength.
That would really suck balls.
Also, the standard history lesson of "never start a war with Russia that you aren't willing to turn into a war of existence" applies.
The Slavic way of fighting war is to fight as if you are fighting a war of extermination, ala the Mongols.
You fight to conquer, totally. If not, then you might as well not fight at all.
I mean I'm not calling him that as a negative, per se.
I'm just keeping it 1 hunned mayne, I think?
He's more open and honest than most lolicons are.
Hey now, @applejack is a nice guy.
What ever you do, don't go looking for pedo Neezis...
Worst mistake of my life!
Imperial Flat Chest Empire cleanses a planet of voluptuous iconography.
Holovideo, 3278.
@alyx Dammit!
I was going to post this a couple of days ago but then I thought not one would react to it :(
Broke: CoH2 (+ 3)
Woke: Company of Heroes: Eastern Front
@beardalaxy sp oo ky.
"If you're ashamed for being who you are, then fuck off"
@LukeAlmighty No, they shouldn't be killed per se, I just don't want to be forced to interact with/live with them.
@ryo it's not like the meme reflects my actual opinions, nor the more nuanced reality.
It's just a funny meme.
@LukeAlmighty King 👑
I don't know man, whatever...