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I wanna be the most virtuous, like no one ever was. To catch POC is my real test, to train them is my cause!!!

I will travel across the World, searching far and wide. These POC do understand, the liberalism that's inside!!!


Gotta catch 'em all!!!!!!

Aldo boosted

I will never forgive the Jews for brainwashing my parents into taking my foreskin

The Truman Show is the OG red-pill movie.

You can look at it as the individual escaping lies, sure, but also as a critique on the obsession with T.V. in general. Mass-advertising, corporate profit-over-people incentive etc...

There are so many good scenes in it. So many quoteable lines.

So much better than The Matrix. The only thing that film has is the "red-pill, blue-pill" thing.

Aldo boosted

Every time you read "fact-checkers say" on a news headline, you instantly know that it's an official narrative being pushed on, that it's totally different from the reality.


It's not the heat, it's the humidity 🥵

Aldo boosted

random thought 

I'm not bothered by forced diversity as much as I'm bothered by the glee people find in knowingly trying to offend or annoy "bigoted" people.

When they have that kind of reaction, it's telling me that they're not good people in any way, and that the product they created is bad and shallow, because its main goal simply is not to provide enjoyment to anyone, but rather to provide displeasure for a certain demographic.

Even if you're not racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other kind of bigot, you simply are very unlikely to get any pleasure from such products. Unless you are the same kind of evil vindictive person as the creators, there simply won't be something for you to connect with. The only way you could enjoy yourself is if you're also the kind of person that takes glee from another person's suffering, in this case a bigot, as that is what the creators had in mind.

It's funny when even the people I've known who are ideologically diametrically opposed to me send me private messages saying that it's refreshing for them to see someone not afraid of speaking their mind.

Echo-chambers are kinda cringe, ngl.

Only people who don't have the balls to defend themselves (either ideologically or physically) create echo-chambers.

Aldo boosted

Why do I ever expect an honest anwser, when talking to politicians.

Am I retarded?

Colleagues talking about how they love gun control again.

Last time we talked about guns, I told them that my Uncle wanted to take me to the woods in Arizona and shoot all manner of guns at.....Nothing in particular.

Aldo boosted

There's a spiderweb in my room behind the door that has some mosquitos in it and I'm just like, thanks bro.

Aldo boosted
"We are both gonna cuck on leaving the EU lol these stupid fucks still think that real people can actually be allowed to run in elections"

HR departments are basically a Ponzi scheme.

I was going to elaborate, but nah.

Maybe later.

Vegans ironically promote canniballism, as when they end up in hospital due to organ failure, it'll turn out that their body has been eating itself in order to survive.

Aldo boosted

Which Fire Emblem game should I get for the Switch?

There are a few, if I remember correctly.

Latest one I had was Path of Radiance for the GCube.

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don't think just consume flag and get excited for new flag

The moden "liberal" is a sociopath.

All the over-emotion, the hyper-empathy and altruism. It's all just a charade.

It's all performance art for them. They don't really "care" about the refugees (or the people affected by them, for that matter), they don't really "care" about XYZ minority. They don't really care.

It's just a game; who can signal best, and the hardest.

The real people affected, on all sides, aren't the focus. The focus is THEM.

And that's where the sociopathy comes in. They view people as the sociopathic elite in charge do. As pawns to play with.

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