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So, let me get this straight.
Last election ended with "attack on capitol"

So, they decided to hold this election on 5th of november?

Don't you hate it, when you finally realize, that lefties were right all along about some topic? 


Also hot take: 

MH wilds main menu intro is a crime against both good taste, and human interaction.

I do what they were going for, but the hyper-enthusiasm of the cat in the same room as the fuck me eyes of the girl, who I have literally no hystory with by the time I turn the game on for the 2nd time...

It's just so insanely uncany and creepy.

It's worse than you think.
This isn't just some government BS, it also a fucking w*man who snitched on her neighbor.

PNUT's owner may be a degenerate, but PNUT didn't deserve a Karen snitching on him to big brother, and getting him killed.

A No Nut November indeed.

How many blankets during the winter?

How many blankets during the winter?

Fuck performance and details. My favorite MH game is actually Rise, that was originally made for Switch.

But my eyes hurt from playing the game, because you have Realistic reflection (read blur) on top of blury textures, with a simulated mist (read even more blur), depth focus (read blur) and temporal anti-aliasing (read blur) on top of that.

I just looked up a video of a tester playing MH Wilds on a 4090. Everything on fucking ULTRA. Best possible scenatio.

The blured textures are still present. What were they smoking, when they were making that beta?

Fake and gay.

Culture war is a defensive front of the class warfare, but ignoring them literally castrating your kids and sabotaging their education would be suicidally retarded.

Every war is won on an economy. If your cultural economy collapses, the pressure cannot continue.

Also, don't think I am stupid enough not to notice, that this wasn't posted by a wokie 10 years ago.

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