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While listening to the podcasts on the election, it does seem, that there is a weird disonance between understanding the legal system.

Some people believve, that a law has inert power, that is interpreted by a judge, who then just reads it, understands it and makes a ruling.

On the other hand, there are people who believe, that a law is written as a sentence, that a judge has the inert power to interpret and decide what the correct ruling is.

And I am not comfortable with this gap in understanding.

@Mr_NutterButter @beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty i remember the days when gamedevs first discovered bloom

when i first played dawn of war 2, the metallic paint options on armour shone like the sun but i can't find any screenshots of it

@LukeAlmighty Difference in myth/lost in translation. Kami isn't a god like Yahweh. Kami is more like a powerful spirit.

Seriously though, what is with the Japanese obsession with killing gods?

I went to a several rants about the MH already, but this is just.... boiling my blood. I was so hyped for the new game only to get this.

Please, could you circle for me the sharp area of the screen? Any single place, where that my eye could focus on and rest seeing 8*8px area, that is completely sharp and in focus?

How do you create the best motion blur effect possible?

This is scientifically proven to be the most accurate way btw.
1) You move shit on the screen
2) Your shitty eyes will do the rest

Adding more blur makes the thing literally blurier then real life. And that's a BAD thing.

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Can we please just spam this to all the game developers who still don't get it?

Don't you hate it, when you finally realize, that lefties were right all along about some topic? 


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