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A public reminder for Muricans about what free healthcare means. 

I just ordered an eye checkout, and it will not only still cost me some money (although quite insignificant), but more importantly, I have to wait for more then 4 months hoping I don't go blind in the meantime.

I love posting random screenshots from Czech republic to show Americans what a healthy society looks like 🤣

@LukeAlmighty my favorite is that you are apparently more privileged if you're gay than if you're bisexual. like how tf does that make any sense? xD

I just realized, why consumer price index cannot possibly work as a measurement of inflation. 

By definition, it is based on price of goods, that an average person buys, and weighted by the ammount.

Well, if chocolate goes to doubble price in an year, so I decide to stop buying it, the change in it's price does not even affect the inflation numbers, since it is now weighted at 0. Same goes for housing and energy. If I cannot possibly ever afford a house, guess what? The weight variable will go to shit too.

It's good to know, that if you cook for yourself, you are going to lose weight. But noone tells you, that it's not because of calloric deficit, but because you will spend all of your time on toalet.

@gentoobro @LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter some people say suburbs became popular so that people don't have to live around black people

Já nevím, jestli to víte, ale ta F-35 se ani nedokáže vytočit z toho letiště na území české republiky, ale musí zaletět i na území sousedního státu.

- Tomio Okamura

Proboha, já chápu, že není odborník, ale toto je opravdu úžasný blábol.

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