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@Seth_Wachhaltamittel all the good indian food was made by the Brits anyway

@Mr_NutterButter @matrix That is true, the "nothing happening" is especially by design with this, Yoon is now either just gone or a lame duck for the rest of his term. I'm entirely convinced of the excuse that Yoon was erroneously led on by his advisors that he could just have a little martial law as a treat to own the leftoids and it wouldn't be a big deal, with the true motive that when it inevitably blew up in his face he'd be reduced from somewhat ineffective as a leader to completely crippled. Now the Minjoo party can do whatever they want to prepare for the next election. Doesn't matter if they drag out the arrest because that will be at the forefront of the news while they continue cooking books elsewhere.

Honestly Yoon killing himself isn't out of the question, a previous Korean President has done it for less. That would be fun, but that would require not-nothing happening...

@LukeAlmighty Also in America they expect tips even if 98% of the place is self-service :')

@beardalaxy I am going to basically just go "get to the credits, that's a win" I can always 100% stuff later... but even then any JRPG will probably take 30 hours...

@Wyatt I will never feel embarrassed about myself ever again after this nigger's meltdown

@Jazzy_Butts Why new hardware and IP? I feel like a simple "new name everywhere" will cover it unless the feds are after you.

@teto @xianc78 Specifically, White American and European men (with a few East Asians)

Goofy goal but maybe I can beat one game a week this year. I have so much junk laying around I gotta get that gamer spirit back...

PS1 disc drive finally went kaput for good. (At least it's easy to get a new one and I have a PS2...)

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How did the Godot/Redot stuff blow over? Kinda want to try it again but idk the situation still just leaves a bad taste in my mouth

I don't really care much for New Years resolutions but January 1st is just a really convenient day to start new things...

I am back from vacation and back to stable internet, time to reply to things on the local timeline from a week ago woo

Played way less games this year to be honest. But I did play a number of non-Steam games too.

And if software was counted Blender and GameMaker would definitely be in top 5...

how is there a bee in my room at this time of year

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