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I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@beardalaxy I think for me it also was just one scene, the one where Belle's dad encounters the Beast, but just that one scene was enough
also odd that I could rewatch Snow White no problem, although the scene where she runs through the forest is much scarier

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@beardalaxy honestly, the younger kids should get freaked out, at least one movie or cartoon related childhood trauma is a requirement for a well-adjusted adult
although I was a scaredy cat as a kid and as a result refused to re-watch Beauty and the Beast because this thing scared me quite a lot for some reason, lmao

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@beardalaxy his flashback in his own game is pretty much the sweet spot, but again in Japanese voiceover only, because when camera cuts off he screams like his soul left the body that second; and in English it was just some gay :npc: non-exclamation
I also kinda sorta liked the Sonic X version where everyone had remembered the thing in their own way, which is how it exactly works IRL, too

@beardalaxy that's just the proverbial choice between two undesired things: the end result was literally the same, really; but at least back then there were alternatives

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@beardalaxy haha, I can't wait to see how they'll fuck up Sonic this time: they won't have the balls to show a little girl shot on-screen
honestly, Peach is more of a 90's girlboss, and her main motivation is taking care of her silly but caring subordinates and she clearly loves them dearly, so again, cringe but less toxic than it could've been
for a kid who's a Mario fan this probably is, indeed, The Best Movie Ever; but even if a kid has never played the game, they could enjoy it
it's kind and made with big love and respect for the original games; it really gets criticized too much in my opinion and for wrong things, but yet again criticizing a kids movie for being a kids movie is dumb

@beardalaxy I am gonna be real, I don't miss the parts of that era when some periodics went full "EWWW GIRLS" and some games went full unhinged sexism with nonsense sexualization but on the other hand, nowadays it's just the same "EWWW GIRLS" except coated with a layer of faux social justice and nonsense desexualization

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

first of all, it should be made illegal to use Holding Out For a Hero in movies: I don't care how great this song is, you won't outperform Shrek 2, don't even try
all non-n*ntendo licensed music in this movie was cringeworthy
second, they just had to go and yassify Peach 💀 come on, she's a princess! even if she's an action girl (that is trve), she has class, and she is polite, and she is cute and charming: none of that can be applied to the movie!Peach
maybe if I was five, this would've been literally The Best Movie Ever, at least I remember wanting to see a Mario cartoon or a movie like this
if gen alpha kids liked (or even saw) this movie, I am glad for them, there has been a severe shortage of heartfelt cartoons with big budget

@dick @LukeAlmighty they don't want to make sure devs include women; they want to make sure women are replaced with gender-neutral flat fat-assed blobs

@LukeAlmighty I heard a rumor that Black Myth: Wukong devs were threatened by Sweet Baby Inc to pay them 7mil dollars for their "services" or else they would ruin the game's reputation online
wonder what exactly sweet baby wanted to do with the game named like this and featuring the Monkey King himself

>"but Yasuke was real--"
i don't care
not after they made Anne Boleyn black, not after they made Cleopatra black because someone's grandmother said so
you can't exactly fight government-sponsored misinformation with the truth, so for all intents and purposes Yasuke was either the whitest samurai the world has ever seen with pearly white skin; or he was 300% Japanese (pearly white skin optional)

@beardalaxy I see reviews on Steam pouring in reporting crashes and other technical problems; no Japanese voiceover is available, too 💀

@beardalaxy you should never buy Kingdom Hearts, much less on Steam, for the same reason why you shouldn't give your money to Square, period, they're just going to throw it to fuel gay propaganda or something
the game has literally NO story, anyone saying otherwise has probably fever dreamed it, the only thing is has is some absolutely toothless interactions with Disney's IP because Disney would never allow for fun, thus defeating the purpose of a crossover from the very beginning; and whatever the story might still linger there is penned by Tetsuya "I procrastinated the mainline Final Fantasy in the industry notorious for crunches out of relevancy" Nomura and therefore is a contender right there with Shenmue for "never going to be over" prize
I committed the grave mistake of buying a bundle just like this one on PS4: this is a literal scam, Goofy fights Sephiroth is NOT as interesting as it sounds, at least pirate it first if you really want to try

@beardalaxy @teratology @xianc78 I played it on PC on release and only had funny minor bugs and AI cars pathfinding lagged once, was completely smooth sailing otherwise
OP is funny because I dunno where he finds elitists like these, all PC master races I know joke about playing games from 1998 on their rigs and compete who can go more toaster

the best part is that Chloe is nowhere in sight, so either they broke up (which will make Chloe simps pissed) or the best ending is canon (which will make Chloe simps pissed!)

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>Life is Strange gets a direct sequel
this is going to be a glorious trainwreck! Max already looks meth addicted

@Aldo2 ngl if they're literally seeing "chaser" in the post and think "hey, that's me" ASAP that's on them, really

@Azur_Fenix @Aldo2 at this point I ask you "but why would an 18 y/o want you" and you're going to smash your keyboard or phone in an array of pure distilled but ultimately powerless seething 💅

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