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@matrix the bot censors by not accepting "jews" or "moslems", but has no trouble accepting "muslims" and "christians" or "zionists" and "jooz" for some odd reason

also entering personalities seems to give funnier results than broad groups

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@beardalaxy speaking of, another cool way was tipping of a hat but it naturally went away with hats
and I've heard that saluting without a hat on is frowned at least in some countries

@Mr_NutterButter a mutual bow would still signify an equal footing, tho
and in modern times a bow can be basically reduced to a polite nod

objectively better way of polite greeting

@LukeAlmighty @YTFoidLover1488 the very vocalizing of a very real problem already summoned someone screeching about implementing physical abuse, just proving my point even further
but of course instead of reflecting you'll just continue to be offended

@YTFoidLover1488 @LukeAlmighty "I want the woman to quit her job and stay at home" is quite a direct statement of very vocal intention of preventing a partner from getting income

@LukeAlmighty quite the opposite, you're supposed to filter the worst in order to get the best

@LukeAlmighty ever heard of financial abuse? preventing your partner from getting income is the biggest and reddest flag of them all

>"today is going to be a nice day full of doing stuff"

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It would mean the world to me if you'd check it out and wishlist it :D the game will be available in 2025 and will be free :)

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.