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@beardalaxy @icedquinn @anonicus @dielan it is the most hilarious when teens go fully ballistic online over the "problematic age gap" of their own parents

you can really only "choose" hijab the same way a cashier "chooses" to empty the cash register when threatened with a gun

@beardalaxy yup, and surprisingly it apparently wasn't half bad at all

ok but that new Zelda where you finally play as Zelda looks super fun

@LukeAlmighty uh, no they aren't trained to never offer help, source: knew shrinks-in-training personally
and you mentioned onlyfans yourself, nobody forced your hand there

@LukeAlmighty that's so cute, you compare women seeking professional help by looking the services of people literally educated to do that; and m*n just desperately attempting to buy women like literal property as they've been doing for literal millennia, and you complain about not being treated as human

@LukeAlmighty @picandor I literally couldn't argue with the dragonball pfp on that and I argue about everything

@picandor and e) the dragonball pfp is right, literally no point in extending the privileges of equal treatment to a group who will never return the favor

a) you're literally comparing the incompatible
b) "a lot"
c) at least these women realise that they simply have standards and usually try to be presentable at least, while the worst "you must look voluptuous with 4DD and babymaking ass, weigh 40 kg, cook like my mom, make 6k and never beg for my help with woman duties like babysitting my 7 kids cuz i need a christian virgin tradwife who's not a golddigger" male dating profiles would be below an acceptable standard for a literal meth addict
d) u gay, not like you are going to be in the dating with women field anyway

@Mr_NutterButter yeah and my arms were caught and it was too late to back up

@Indigo @Mr_NutterButter yeah, totally valid way to take the shirt off too, but I've heard of "sleeve-sleeve-head sideways" as more of an army method
the "closet trans" argument is hilarious, yeah, exactly what I am satirizing there

@Mr_NutterButter it didn't hurt much, but it did anyway; and all it took just talking off a shirt as a man would

@LukeAlmighty and of course nobody talks about literal millions who tried and failed and ended up only worse, because they never do in the same way they don't talk about the necessity of having rich parents in order to be a garage startup turned billionaire

speaking of, this was 200% uncomfortable and literally hurt for a split second, 0/10 would not recommend

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accidentally took off my shirt in a masculine way - gaiz, i must be totally transmasc or genderfluid uwu
yeah this is satire but that's how literally thousands of people think completely unironically, clown world :clownworld:

one of more evil aspects of the cyberpunk we currently live in is total encouragement of monetizing literally everything: monetize your hobby, monetize your cooking, monetize your eating, monetize yourself being annoying and pissing people off, monetize your children and cats! you don't monetize? - well you're just being unproductive and wasting time then :/
surely you're able to remember one or two internet personas who are literally killing themselves for clout and money

this "6.5 woman who cooks" meme has all the vibes of when m*n are posting "look at this all natural no makeup BEAUTY, that's what men want!" and there's $2000 of makeup and a nosejob

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