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@beardalaxy of course ass animation and cringe writing are accompanied by generic hip hop trailer music

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter exactly, a HOT cup of coffee, not BOILING liquid which is unable to hold its state of matter together
anything above 65° for coffee is a travesty

oh wow, new spiderman, now featuring more gingercide

@LukeAlmighty coffee spill burns are supposed to be first degree, second at worst; and the lady got a third degree burn, so this is not burgers being burgers, it's a corporation hiding its faults behind a smear campaign of an old lady who did nothing wrong

@derekzane1981 this is so hilarious, just another argument in favor of keeping men in zoos where they belong

@frost @Aldo2 @beardalaxy @matrix me? fighting? I barely even remembered who this pedophile was 💅

@Aldo2 wait, you were that retard who posted cp on a public timeline? and threw a tantrum when mods deleted it? lmao

it's eerie to watch the mental gymnastics some exercise just to pretend "i am a true believer in Christ and his warrior" and "i openly ogle at loli hentai/furry porn/photos of naked women online" are not mutually exclusive things

@Oaghaji speaking of Dragunov, canonically he's 27, but you don't see women complaining like coomers complain about Ciri, although here they would be justified, fighting games have a severe shortage of bishies

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