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xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 Seconded. Fuck's sake.

People used to use it to add some redneck/salt-of-the-earth effect to their speech, and it was an annoying affectation back then. Then the last few years it's gotten picked up by scoldy social justice types that want to sound *ahem* "urban". Every other word that comes out of their mouths sounds like "New England prep school" and then they say "y'all" and it grates on the ears.

I fucking hate the word "y'all" and I really hate that even non-southern Americans are using it.

xianc78 boosted

Bro steam is kind of stupidly particular with shit. My game has a notice that the version is an insider beta, so they denied the build on that grounds since the game page doesn't mention it is a beta. Why the fuck do you think I have my release date set for 2025 dawg? So what, I have to remove the text saying it's a beta in-game and it'll suddenly be okay? Meanwhile actual shovelware shit with copyright infringement gets pushed onto the platform no problem. So now I have to resubmit my build with the version number removed and wait another 5 days for it to be approved. So stupid.

xianc78 boosted

History ain't gonna write itself. Put your best foot forward today and work to accomplish those goals!

xianc78 boosted

This week's donation went to the Devuan project. It's a Linux distro based off Debian which not only doesn't use SystemD but during install gives the user a choice between SysVinit, Runnit, and OpenRC. If you use the netinstaller option you also get a choice of desktop environments during install including XFCE, Cinnamon, Gnome, KDE, LXDE, LXQT and Mate. It can also easily be used with the libre kernel if one wanted to if you follow the instructions at FSFLA. It uses the Ext file system by default. The latest release is called Daedalus which is based off Debian 12 but you can install Excalibur which is based off Debian testing if one needed newer packages. Overall it is a great option if one wants a distro giving them more freedom of choice during install.

The project's main website is here:

The project has a forum here:

The project accepts donations through Paypal, crypto and bank transfer if you wish to help financially:

xianc78 boosted
Someone was talking about "the dangers of raw milk"

I asked them for their numbers

They provided some

I computed the risk
xianc78 boosted
Someone made source ports of old Pangea Software games, with Win/Linux ver for these old old Mac games

This has Nanosaur

Fuck the FCC! They are the most anti-freespeech government organization we have. I'd say that it is unconstitutional and states should nullify their laws regarding swear words on public broadcasts. I can't tell you all the times that I want to call in to a talk show to tell them they're wrong, but I can't because of my language and the huge fines that I would pay.

Once seasteading becomes a thing, someone should put a floating radio station on international waters, but close enough to reach American radios and broadcast every word forbidden by the FCC on repeat. Broadcast over claimed frequencies for all I care. Since, it would be on international waters, there is nothing they can do about that.

xianc78 boosted

I made a website. it's called "one million checkboxes dot com". it has one million checkboxes on it.

checking a box checks it for everyone.

that's it. have fun!

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Not my game, but a friend is developing a card-based game on top of the Löve engine:

- Permadeath, permagame. A real roguelike mechanic for a real challenge. If you're smart you can beat the game on your first try. No grinding. No unlocking new stuff making the game easier. Your only chance to win is to get better.
- First class Linux support.
- Community driven. Follow the development on twitch. Leave feedback, influence the game. If you can reach us you will be answered. Comment here (on or beat the demo to find the contact address, if you can.

- Overthrow monarchy, kill kings, queens, princes and princess.
- Innovating card stacking mechanic.
- Deck building : build a different deck on each run. Nobody has time to learn all the cards on their first game.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
One-neutron transfer can beat nuclear fusion in output, here's proof

Neutron transfer has always fascinated scientists, but this time it shocked them. They found that one-neutron stripping can produce output similar to nuclear fusion, one of the most powerful nuclear reactions known to mankind.
xianc78 boosted
Hey @crunklord420 webdevving in TempleOS just got Travis Scott lit, me & @nroot now have full Code Page 437 font rendered on your browser, super improved from what Terry originally had for his website. We also render sprites as BMP.

Write the DolDoc in Ed() while viewing changes live, rsync the document to prod after writing, voila. You get the exact same thing in your browser. no gay markdown Electron shit needed for your live preview (take a look at

Honestly, I think the whole blocking feature is the Fediverse's greatest weakness. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for freedom of association, but given that at least one of the major ActivityPub implementations built it's entire existence around it means that we pretty much have a broken network and it locks people into echo-chambers. At least Nostr, despite it's flaws makes you judge everyone on an individual basis and not be at the whim of what your server admin wants you to see.

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xianc78 boosted

It looks like there are now three parts of the fediverse: the Mastodon side, the "free-speech side", and the instances that are allowed to federate with threads.

xianc78 boosted

Is CouchDB any good? I really need a simple document-oriented DB because I'm fed up with mind-bending, nested queries, and I had a hard time installing MongoDB. I also rather using something that is FOSS or is at least open-core.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.