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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Yeah... I am libertarian, because the state is choking me from building my own dignified life.

He is libertarian, because the state is stopping troons from running a chemical lab in their bodies.

We are literally the exact oposite.

xianc78 boosted

>Received a new book on pixel art.
>Genuinely got excited.
>Realize that it's the indie pixleshit artstyle that doesn't even remotely resemble any retro console or handheld.


xianc78 boosted

There is no shortage of startups and enterprises animated by, or outright proclaiming, replacing e-mail as the de-facto open internet messaging standard. VC Investors are forever fascinated by funding such endeavours. #matrix #simplex #slack etc are examples.

#deltachat endorses e-mail but reconfigures and repurposes it to serve for interoperable instant messaging. The #chatmail server network relays end to end encrypted e-mail only, and servers are reduced to dumb store-and-forward relays.

xianc78 boosted

Fuck off,!

Chess.Com Proposes Changing The Name Of The "Bishop" Piece In An Attempt To Remove Christian Roots From The Game

xianc78 boosted
Got the Transform magic - it's needed for an upcoming area, but you can backtrack to earlier parts of the game and use it to get some silly dialogue out of the townsfolk, and even the early monsters have text programmed for it.
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Tried my best to add hair to the sprite. I still don't like it that much. I think I should redo the shield because is side walk-cycle has him swinging the shield but that's because the base sprite has both his arms swinging while walking.

And of course, I also have to reposition the sword during attacks. I might have to redo the sword sprite because it looks way to big for him.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

A subsonic weapon was used against a crowd holding a moment of silence for lives lost in a tragic accident in Belgrade. People said it felt like an airplane was crashing into them and it made them feel nauseous.

xianc78 boosted

After using a patch on necs site for games with keyboard input issues, half life works

xianc78 boosted
Spent much of the day watching the weather until things calmed down outside - a pesky Tornado Watch that stuck around until 2 PM, but nothing really all that bad over here.

Since things have been calm for a while now, I decided to go back to chipping away at Ys Book II... and found a nice new grinding spot (and maxed out my money).
xianc78 boosted

Half life 1 kinda works on the pc98 but the keyboard controls don't

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@beardalaxy I'm gonna stream your game tomorrow at 5pm EST.

I broke my stream server today so couldn't do it today.
xianc78 boosted
Coming soon to a cjdns near you - ability to send arbitrary control messages from cjdnstool.

Implementing this in C was actually quite straightforward, but getting the functionality into cjdnstool lead me into rewriting the entire Rust bencode infrastructure which had been implemented with serde and bendy in a way that didn't support binary strings.

That doesn't really work because bencode does use binary in strings.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Oh yeah. In light of recent drama in the FOSS community, for those of you who think that they are still better off just sticking to Windows and proprietary software, I got some bad news for you.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.