re: ukpol
@thatbrickster @VD15 @coolboymew
I get his argument, but if you can acknowledge that the best you've got is weak, then you should be able to see that you genuinely have nothing.
re: ukpol
@VD15 @coolboymew @thatbrickster
I love it when I see Sargon still desperately trying to hold on to hope, still saying things like "Farage is the best we've got". Nah... People were justified in having hope in Farage back before the Brexit vote happened. Ever since, he's been useless.
I have my doubts. Google is pushing this for the same reason they made VP9. And as with VP9, it will have the same adoption problems. At the very minimum you probably need Apple on board. And because this is being spearheaded by Samsung and Google, I'm sure you can guess what Apple's position will be.
It would be nice to be proven wrong though, and get a more open standard for these things. But because Dolby is Dolby, its name is synonymous with good audio. Even if the Eclipsa format is better in some way, Atmos will remain the default.
@matrix You have snow?! You lucky bastard. I've consistently had temps between 5-10C since around Christmas. In a few days, we're supposed to get up to 14C. I challenge any climate change denier to explain how the fuck am I getting temps 15 to 20 degrees C higher than normal for this period of time in my country.
It's not like I haven't seen gentle winters before, but this year has been ridiculous.
@j Yes. It's a real FBI website.
China is really not the best example to use.
Their military is mostly propaganda. It would be a miracle if in actual conflict it's as effective as the Russian one. Which is not that great all things considered.
Their crops are picked by people who would think themselves rich if they had your minimum wage. And clean toilets? Aren't you fancy. Most Chinese shit in outdoor latrines or holes in the ground. Sometimes these things are even literally communal. Meaning, you get to enjoy the company of tens of other people shitting, with no dividing wall.
China's tech is stolen American tech. So by the transitive property, their tech is being done by infinity Indians.
I appreciate the sentiment, and I agree that blind "muh diversity" does jack shit for the world, but China is a lousy example for this argument. China is an inefficient, incompetent, bureaucratic nightmare. Their GDP per capita is utter shit. They've become a world power simply because there's so many of them, that it still manages to make their overall GDP look good (unlike African countries for example).
@LukeAlmighty Looks ok, but I wouldn't call it groundbreaking. Mostly in line with where the current standard has been for a bit now. I guess it's a matter of perspective, and what one considers groundbreaking to begin with. If you compare it with Skyrim, or the old Crysis games, sure it's groundbreaking. Otherwise, as I said, to me it looks in line with what other games have offered recently.
Maybe I see some of the blurriness, but the resolution of these pictures is kinda bad vertical wise (624p) so it's hard to be sure of what I'm seeing.
If you want an example of what I find blurry, the plain picture with all the grass is the best example. I'm guessing it's being caused by TXAA as it's being used everywhere. The further you look away from the center point, the more fuzzy the greenery looks, likely because things are moving from the wind and the camera is moving too.
The right side looks a bit sharper, but on the left side, it's hard to distinguish a single sharp blade of grass even near the focal point.
Some of the other examples look sharp enough. But they seem to be stationary. The other one that is blurry to me is the blue landscape one. But the green plain is still the better example imo.
@MeBigbrain @Terry
>is this really worth losing your job over
Yes. The truth is something worth losing your literal life over.
The real curse of Tutankhamun.
Neat. Thanks for the math trivia.
@ivesen I haven't bought new drives (either hdd or ssd) in a while, and I never make a note of how they come. But I think it's either they're empty and unformatted (I think not even a partition table), or maybe they're ntfs (for easy Windows). Could the software that is reporting this be wrong?
@coded_artist If Derek Chauvin doesn't win this one, I'm gonna be pissed.
@ivesen unless it's a thing for enterprise level hardware that I'm not aware of, no I don't believe it is.
@beardalaxy @mushroom_soup Can't say I saw that many court proceedings, but I'm used to the parties using language like "the defended did this or that". Maybe if the guy was being addressed in the witness stand, but then shouldn't these be phrased as questions?
Or I guess maybe things are just more different in the UK, and I'm used to USA courtroom dramas.
Why is this written from a 2nd person perspective? (you, Mohammed Karrar etc). It's fucking creepy. I'm not a vile rapist. Why am I being addressed as if I did these things?
I don't know what sysvinit is, but now I want to uninstall it.
Just another random person passing by.
The Alyx Vance must go this way anyway.
Gordon Freeman dies in All Dogs Go To Heaven 2.
I wasn't designed to be carried.
En Taro Igel!
Lift me up, let me go...